Navigation Menu:
Quick Proposal – bypasses the Scheduling function, use when you are in a hurry
View Schedule – to display today’s scheduled jobs (appointments)
Search – Search for a previously created proposal by Customer Name or date
Schedule Jobs – schedule a job for today or a day in the future
Presentation Section:
Quick navigation to Presentation assets; brochures, images, videos
More Section:
Refresh Data – Use this feature when you need to pull database changes mid-day. (See additional resources below)
Check Versions – this allows you to check the progress of a refresh. Check here to see if the refresh has been completed. Do not start a new quote if the price book download has not been completed.
Download Past Jobs – Downloads 12 months of proposals that you have written from the Management Portal and all of the customers associated with your company.
Proposals |
- Changes will apply to all NEW quotes.
- You will need to reset custom defaults if you reinstall the app on your tablet or log-in to another device.
- Proposal Name - Create a unique name to personalize your Customer Proposal.
- Show Model Numbers - slide ON (green) to display model numbers on the Customer proposal
- Show Line Item Pricing
- We recommend turning Line Item Pricing OFF.
- Slide ON (green) to show pricing ($) for ALL items on the customer proposal
- Slide OFF to present the proposal with the system total.
- Send Brochures with Proposal Email. Slide on to send links to brochures with the customer email.
- Parts, Labor, Compressor Warranty, or Guarantee label. Select preferred label.
Options |
Customize the Name and Description of the option to best suit your selling style.
Ductless Design Criteria |
Enter the default Parameters recommended by your Manufacturer for your region.
Taxes & Fees |
This section adds Sales Tax to the full system price and displays it on the Customer proposal.
Tap "+" to add a Sales Tax and Fee line to the app.
My Profile
- Change your Password
- Edit the Name, Phone Number, Address and Company that appears on the Customer Proposal and Email to the Customer
- It's a good idea to Logout at the end of the day.
- If you are connected to the internet all data will sync to the Management Portal. If you are not on the internet data will remain on your tablet and sync when the app is visible and you are connected to the internet.
Related articles:
How Do I Download Past Jobs to a New Tablet?
Navigation Menu, Refresh Data - When does data sync between the tablet and the Management Portal?
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