As you make equipment selections the Pricing Pane will populate. Note that when building a system the pricing pane will not populate until you have selected all of the components contained in the system.
Suggested Retail Price (SRP) is calculated by the app. The app uses the Cash price and applies a finance fee boost. The finance fee used to calculate SRP is the Finance Program with the highest dealer fee.
Finance Price with Discount field displays the selected finance program price. "With Discount" represents the cost savings that you pass onto a customer when the selected finance program has a lower finance fee than the program used to calculated SRP. The amount displayed may also include any discounts applied to the selected equipment.
Cash Price with Discount field displays the cash price. This is the price that is stored in your database.
Total Product Discount - Use this field to apply discounts that will appear on the customers proposal.
- Tap the word Discount to open the Discounts pane.
- Use the discount field to enter Instant Cash Rebates
- Discounts entered here will be applied to the Finance Price with Discount and the Cash Price with Discount fields.
- $ Discounts will always be applied first and then % discounts.
- % discounts will be converted to a $ amount after "Save" and before any further processing.
Suggested Retail Price can be manually adjusted.
- Tap the word “Price” in the Field Name to open the Price Adjustment pane.
- Adjustments made to the SRP will be applied to the Finance Price with Discount and the Cash Price with Discount fields.
- The pricing adjustment will not appear on the customer Proposal. The Back Office email will include all pricing adjustments.
- Use this field to make adjustments to sales price for the complexity of a job
Total Investment
Adjusted Price with Discount displays price of the cooling and heating selections.
Down Payment - values entered will display on the Customer Proposal
Cash or Finance Price:
- Select a Financing Program to display the Monthly payment.
- Financing Fee will by default be calculated after the down payment is applied.
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