November 14, 2023
If you have stopped receiving the BCC when emailing a quote to a customer it may be because your email server has changed their filtering rules. Some SBP users who use Outlook have reported this issue.
An Outlook admin in your organization may be able to change the Outlook email filters if it's overly aggressive. We suspect that the Outlook filter that is being applied is applied to all emails that arise from the same domain. A workaround for this filter would be to have the BCC email sent to a different email domain. For example, if the salesrep email is have the BCC address changed to a gmail account Please contact your CSS if you need to change the BCC address for customer emails.
This microsoft article addresses the issue where emails from the user domain were quarantined and labeled Phishing. (article link)
This Montana State University post explains how to handle quarantined Outlook mail. (Link: Montana State University - Spam - Quarantined Email)
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